Videos from OSCon Data and OSCon 2011

There are 28 videos, all linked below, on the OSCon and OSCon data 2011 playlist that I have put online for free (with permission from the presenters and O’Reilly).  O’Reilly videos are available from the conference proceedings website.  Probably the best way to find all the videos in one place is to search for the ‘oscon’ tag on YouTube.

How do I choose what talks to film?  Well, to make it easiest on me, I choose what room to film, and then all I have to do is change the tapes every session.  This minimizes (but not completely eliminates) techical issues.  For OSCon Data it was simple – there were 5 rooms, O’Reilly was professionally recording one room, another room was “Products and Services”, which left 3 rooms — and I had 3 video cameras*.
Following is the list of videos I took, in alphabetical order.  Each link takes you to the YouTube page, which shows the presenters, description, and links to the slides (if available) and official O’Reilly Conference page:

* If there had been no technical difficulties whatsoever, there would be 38 videos on this list – 2 from OSCon (which are on the list) and 36 from OSCon data.  Unfortunately, 10 videos did not come out – either I missed the tape change, the audio could not be heard, or permission was not given by the presenters.  Note that in the latter case, presenters just never responded — I did not have one presenter withhold permisson, though a few have not responded to my request for permission.

There are 28 videos, all linked below, on the OSCon and OSCon data 2011 playlist that I have put online for free (with permission from the presenters and O’Reilly).  O’Reilly videos are available from the conference proceedings website.  Probably the best way to find all the videos in one place is to search for the ‘oscon’ tag on YouTube.

How do I choose what talks to film?  Well, to make it easiest on me, I choose what room to film, and then all I have to do is change the tapes every session.  This minimizes (but not completely eliminates) techical issues.  For OSCon Data it was simple – there were 5 rooms, O’Reilly was professionally recording one room, another room was “Products and Services”, which left 3 rooms — and I had 3 video cameras*.
Following is the list of videos I took, in alphabetical order.  Each link takes you to the YouTube page, which shows the presenters, description, and links to the slides (if available) and official O’Reilly Conference page:

* If there had been no technical difficulties whatsoever, there would be 38 videos on this list – 2 from OSCon (which are on the list) and 36 from OSCon data.  Unfortunately, 10 videos did not come out – either I missed the tape change, the audio could not be heard, or permission was not given by the presenters.  Note that in the latter case, presenters just never responded — I did not have one presenter withhold permisson, though a few have not responded to my request for permission.