On Monday, Ronald Bradford posted that the independent Oracle Developer Tools User Group had opened up their Kaleidoscope Conference, well-known throughout the Oracle community for in-depth technical sessions for developers, to the MySQL community. Giuseppe Maxia posted his thoughts on Tuesday.
We have confirmed that there will be an entire MySQL track at Kaleidoscope! Because Kaleidoscope is less than 8 weeks away, we could not go through a standard call for papers. Ronald and I have been working to come up with appropriate topics and speakers for an audience that uses MySQL but is probably more familiar with Oracle. We contacted folks we thought would be interested, and who we thought could make it logistically, as the conference is in Washington, D.C.
We have (almost) finalized the list of speakers; the session abstracts will be finalized in the next few days. You can see the speakers at Kaleidoscope’s MySQL page, but I’ve also listed them below (alpha by last name):
Philip Antoniades, Sun/MySQL
Ronald Bradford, 42SQL
Sheeri K. Cabral, The Pythian Group
Laine Campbell, PalominoDB
Patrick Galbraith, Northscale
Sarah Novotny, Blue Gecko
Padraig O’Sullivan, Akiba Technologies Inc.
Jay Pipes, Rackspace Cloud
Dossy Shiobara, Panoptic.com
Matt Yonkovit, Percona
There are one or two more speakers we are waiting to hear back from. There will be 19 sessions, so some speakers will have more than one session.
I am very excited that MySQL has its own track at Kaleidoscope. In addition, Ronald and I will be able to attend our very first event as Oracle ACE Directors – the Sundown Sessions are a Birds-of-a-Feather-type discussion, with the Oracle ACE Directors being the panelists and the community asking questions. Immediately after the Sundown Sessions is a “Meet the Oracle ACE” event, the only part of the conference officially sponsored by Oracle.