Liveblogging: 10,000 Tables Can’t Be Wrong

10,000 Tables Can’t Be Wrong: Designing a Highly Scalable MySQL Architecture for Write-intensive Applications by Richard Chart

Chose MySQL for performance and stability, and less important but still there, experience and support. Support is becoming increasingly more and more important.

Starting point: 1 appliance supporting 200 devices
Problem/Goal: Extensible architecture with deep host and app monitoring, over 1000 devices with 100 mgmt points each
Distributed collection over a WAN, with latency and security concerns
Current reality: several times the scale of the original goal
Commercial embedded product, so they actually pay for the embedded MySQL server

Future: The fundamentals are sound: next generation of the product moves up another order of magnitude

Data Characteristics
>90% writes
ACID not important
Resilient to loss, because gaps in data do not invalidate the rest of the data
Data elements by themselves are valuable, but much more so when relationships are added.

Chose MyISAM because: (more…)

SolidDB is free & open source

SolidDB is free & open source

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.

SolidDB is free & open source

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).

SolidDB is free & open source

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).
While reading at first I thought by “add to set” they meant “add to the definition set”. Wouldn’t it be great to have an easy command to alter the table and change the enum or set definitions? Is there something like that?

SolidDB is free & open source

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).
While reading at first I thought by “add to set” they meant “add to the definition set”. Wouldn’t it be great to have an easy command to alter the table and change the enum or set definitions? Is there something like that?

SolidDB is free & open source
This script reads standard input and will send out e-mail to specified recipients. It is exceedingly good for piping commands to, particularly within cron or at.

Change the first line to your location of perl, and change the location of the sendmail binary if it’s not /usr/lib/sendmail.

Run mailif -H to see all the options. I have no idea who originally wrote this script. The only reference I can find on the web is:

The script can be copied and pasted from there.
I did it!
Well, case there are 32 people plus myself interested in a Boston MySQL meetup.

So I did it:

Please join if you’re interested. (feel free to link, pass on, etc).
While reading at first I thought by “add to set” they meant “add to the definition set”. Wouldn’t it be great to have an easy command to alter the table and change the enum or set definitions? Is there something like that?

10, 000 Tables Can’t Be Wrong: Designing a Highly Scalable MySQL Architecture for Write-intensive Applications by Richard Chart

Chose MySQL for performance and stability, and less important but still there, experience and support. Support is becoming increasingly more and more important.

Starting point: 1 appliance supporting 200 devices
Problem/Goal: Extensible architecture with deep host and app monitoring, over 1000 devices with 100 mgmt points each
Distributed collection over a WAN, with latency and security concerns
Current reality: several times the scale of the original goal
Commercial embedded product, so they actually pay for the embedded MySQL server

Future: The fundamentals are sound: next generation of the product moves up another order of magnitude

Data Characteristics
>90% writes
ACID not important
Resilient to loss, because gaps in data do not invalidate the rest of the data
Data elements by themselves are valuable, but much more so when relationships are added.

Chose MyISAM because: (more…)

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