updated testimonials page

Certification Validation
certificate id: 74651
password: sheeri
                4.0 Core Certification Validation

Co-workers have said:

“It is with mixed feelings that I am writing today to tell you that Sheeri has accepted a job in the private sector and will be leaving Tufts on 22 February.

It’s hard to let go of a bright, cheerful and highly energetic co-worker like Sheeri. She always brings a lot of enthusiasm to bear on new projects and works hard at them even when they have lost their novelty and started to become tedious. Sheeri always puts her best effort into everything she takes on, so for purely selfish reasons I’m sorry to see her go.” – Bob Webber, Manager, University Systems Group, Tufts University

“Sheeri’s collaborative approach to systems’ design and administration ensured that relevant details came forth in the planning rather than testing or production stage of a project. Her care to get a job done well and prompt handling of issues enabled the team I led to be more productive than we had been under any other system administrator at Tufts.” http://tinyurl.com/q7fzv — must login to linkedin.com to view the original.

Clients have said:
“Your [technical] review has been really thorough, and you’ve gone above and beyond and done some things to make my job a lot easier!” — Brian Jepson, Editor, O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Other sites have said:
“Sheeri Kritzer is a certified MySQL administrator with an active interest and involvement in MySQL and the MySQL community. In her blog she discusses database security and performance in a practical and competent manner, while also covering events she is participating in as well as more general issues of interest to users and developers of MySQL. The blog seems to be updated regularly, and it contains many entries – all of which are well written and more extensive than one perhaps have come to expect from blogs today.” — Bill, the founder of PHPCentral.org at http://www.phpcentral.com/49-notable-mysql-blogs-reviews.html

Boston MySQL Meetup Group members have said the following about Sheeri’s presentations:

June 2006 Meetup
“Very KISS (keep it simple stupid). Presentation seemed accessible to people of different levels of technical knowledge; Jargon was kept to a minimum.”

March 2006 Meetup
“very interesting and informative”

January 2006 Meetup
“I found the meeting informative with many tips on backup techniques. Thank you for sharing your experience and for the pizza!”

“Very focused and informative presentation.”

“I thought it went rather well, I like the structure.”

Certification Validation
certificate id: 74651
password: sheeri
                4.0 Core Certification Validation

Co-workers have said:

“It is with mixed feelings that I am writing today to tell you that Sheeri has accepted a job in the private sector and will be leaving Tufts on 22 February.

It’s hard to let go of a bright, cheerful and highly energetic co-worker like Sheeri. She always brings a lot of enthusiasm to bear on new projects and works hard at them even when they have lost their novelty and started to become tedious. Sheeri always puts her best effort into everything she takes on, so for purely selfish reasons I’m sorry to see her go.” – Bob Webber, Manager, University Systems Group, Tufts University

“Sheeri’s collaborative approach to systems’ design and administration ensured that relevant details came forth in the planning rather than testing or production stage of a project. Her care to get a job done well and prompt handling of issues enabled the team I led to be more productive than we had been under any other system administrator at Tufts.” http://tinyurl.com/q7fzv — must login to linkedin.com to view the original.

Clients have said:
“Your [technical] review has been really thorough, and you’ve gone above and beyond and done some things to make my job a lot easier!” — Brian Jepson, Editor, O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Other sites have said:
“Sheeri Kritzer is a certified MySQL administrator with an active interest and involvement in MySQL and the MySQL community. In her blog she discusses database security and performance in a practical and competent manner, while also covering events she is participating in as well as more general issues of interest to users and developers of MySQL. The blog seems to be updated regularly, and it contains many entries – all of which are well written and more extensive than one perhaps have come to expect from blogs today.” — Bill, the founder of PHPCentral.org at http://www.phpcentral.com/49-notable-mysql-blogs-reviews.html

Boston MySQL Meetup Group members have said the following about Sheeri’s presentations:

June 2006 Meetup
“Very KISS (keep it simple stupid). Presentation seemed accessible to people of different levels of technical knowledge; Jargon was kept to a minimum.”

March 2006 Meetup
“very interesting and informative”

January 2006 Meetup
“I found the meeting informative with many tips on backup techniques. Thank you for sharing your experience and for the pizza!”

“Very focused and informative presentation.”

“I thought it went rather well, I like the structure.”