My desktop at work is a Windows machine. Why? Because it gives me what I need — shell access to servers so I can do real work on the machines, a text editor, an e-mail client and a web browser. That’s really all I need to do my job. Sure, I could put in for a Macintosh or install a Unix variant. But if it gives me what I want, why would I spend all that work changing things around, just to ultimately get the same requirements — shell, web browser, text editor, e-mail client….????
I love MySQL, it’s a great database. But in order to meet its tenets, it has sacrificed features. When database religious wars start, it comes down to “MySQL stinks because it does not have the features,” or, nowadays, “It didn’t have [x feature] for a long time.” When that happens, my question is always, “If MySQL is so bad, why do so many people use it?”
Because it gives them the most important feature — SPEED. Speed is the #1 top priority in embedded databases, web applications and most desktop applications. (Am I missing a use of a database?) Companies will pay through the nose for training and licenses if it means their customers are happy because their product is speedy. (Meanwhile, MySQL is offering it very affordably, so folks do not have to pay through the nose.)
So to the folks who argue that MySQL stinks — I’ll agree, if you are talking about being feature-rich. However, MySQL has been growing in that department, so the argument is only relevant if you want to do a pivot table, or index a calculated field in a VIEW, or something complex like that. Perhaps MySQL isn’t appropriate for, say, a data warehouse. SQL Server is a better choice for that, as it has reporting modules and analysis wizards and all sorts of stuff.
MySQL is not perfect for everything, and it is not lousy for everything. But if you look at what most people need, it is speed. MySQL delivers that.
MySQL won a contest, and it is proclaimed the fastest database.
I am happy, but I am not surprised. The basic tenets of MySQL are “fast, easy-to-use and bug-free”.
It is nice to know MySQL is actually meeting their goals. ‘Bug-free’ is not totally true, of course, but MySQL’s features are well-implemented. And being the fastest database is an achievement, even if it was one that was planned for.
We all know MySQL is the fastest. That’s why so many organizations have used it, even during the time when MyISAM was the only widely used storage engine. Before transactions, before fulltext indexing, before views and stored procedures and triggers, MySQL was widely used. A developer should not have to write transaction code in a programming language, but many organizations were happy to use bad coding techniques and zoom past their competitors with a speedy site.
Now the rest of the world knows that MySQL is the fastest. And, of course, MySQL is fast, easy-to-use, affordable AND full-featured. MySQL is doing a good job of marketing their new features, but another thing they should do is find out all the outdated information on websites and educate folks, that the arguments against MySQL are fewer and fewer as time goes on.
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