Percona Live:London, RightScale and Eucalyptus training discounts!

(Tune in tomorrow where I tell you how you can win USD$100, like I did last week!)

Not signed up for Percona Live:London and need some motivation to do so?  How about a £40.00 discount?  That means the Expo Hall is free, regular registration is £260.00 and the tutorials + conference price is £500.00.  Use discount code “PDBUK”.

In just 3 weeks, RightScale is having a cloud conference in Santa Clara, CA Nov 8-9.  There is a Zero-to-cloud training on Tuesday, November 8th, and you can get a 25% discount on the training by using code “RSCONF25”.

RightScale and Eucalyptus are teaming up to provide a training, too — on Thursday, November 10th.  If the name Eucalyptus sounds familiar, it is because former MySQL employees Mårten Mickos and Mark Atwood work there.  There is a 25% discount off that training by using code “RSEUCT25”.

(Tune in tomorrow where I tell you how you can win USD$100, like I did last week!)

Not signed up for Percona Live:London and need some motivation to do so?  How about a £40.00 discount?  That means the Expo Hall is free, regular registration is £260.00 and the tutorials + conference price is £500.00.  Use discount code “PDBUK”.

In just 3 weeks, RightScale is having a cloud conference in Santa Clara, CA Nov 8-9.  There is a Zero-to-cloud training on Tuesday, November 8th, and you can get a 25% discount on the training by using code “RSCONF25”.

RightScale and Eucalyptus are teaming up to provide a training, too — on Thursday, November 10th.  If the name Eucalyptus sounds familiar, it is because former MySQL employees Mårten Mickos and Mark Atwood work there.  There is a 25% discount off that training by using code “RSEUCT25”.