This post has sample configurations, and an update, to the Nagios plugin called that PalominoDB has developed. Presentation slides, the presentation video, the whitepaper and the download link to the actual Nagios check are always up-to-date at
There has been exciting news for the Nagios plugin PalominoDB developed for MySQL — we now have –critical and –warning options for all modes (for –varcomp mode we only had a critical option before).
Here are some sample configurations (which are also seen in the slides):
To check rate of temporary tables:
define command {
command_name check_mysql_tmp_tables
command_line $USER1$/
–hostname $HOSTADDRESS$ –user myuser –password mypass
–max-cache-age=300 –mode=varcomp
–warning=”>(8/60)” –critical=”>(10/60)”
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Temp Tables
check_command check_mysql_tmp_tables
To check long-running queries (and an example of using a parameter, setting 2 different values one for master servers and one for slave servers):
define command {
command_name check_mysql_locked_queries
command_line $USER1$/
–hostname $HOSTADDRESS$ –user myuser –password mypass
–warning=$ARG1$ –critical=$ARG2$
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Master Locked Queries
check_command check_mysql_locked_queries!60!120
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Slave Locked Queries
check_command check_mysql_locked_queries!300!600
If there are questions, comments or feedback, please let us know!
This post has sample configurations, and an update, to the Nagios plugin called that PalominoDB has developed. Presentation slides, the presentation video, the whitepaper and the download link to the actual Nagios check are always up-to-date at
There has been exciting news for the Nagios plugin PalominoDB developed for MySQL — we now have –critical and –warning options for all modes (for –varcomp mode we only had a critical option before).
Here are some sample configurations (which are also seen in the slides):
To check rate of temporary tables:
define command {
command_name check_mysql_tmp_tables
command_line $USER1$/
–hostname $HOSTADDRESS$ –user myuser –password mypass
–max-cache-age=300 –mode=varcomp
–warning=”>(8/60)” –critical=”>(10/60)”
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Temp Tables
check_command check_mysql_tmp_tables
To check long-running queries (and an example of using a parameter, setting 2 different values one for master servers and one for slave servers):
define command {
command_name check_mysql_locked_queries
command_line $USER1$/
–hostname $HOSTADDRESS$ –user myuser –password mypass
–warning=$ARG1$ –critical=$ARG2$
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Master Locked Queries
check_command check_mysql_locked_queries!60!120
define service {
use generic-service
host_name __HOSTNAME__
service_description MySQL Slave Locked Queries
check_command check_mysql_locked_queries!300!600
If there are questions, comments or feedback, please let us know!