New England Database Society Meeting

I am passing this along — I am not sure if most folks reading this can make it, as it is last-minute and in the Boston area, but I figured I’d let people know that the New England Database Society exists. It’s free, sponsored by Sun (and has been for years, long before Sun bought MySQL), and is hosted by my college database professor, Mitch Cherniack. (To that end, I should probably make sure to promote the Boston User Group here more often! I keep forgetting…)

You can find information on how to be a part of the mailing list at

The next New England Database Society will be held on Friday, March 27 and the speaker is Christian Jensen of Aalborg University.

[N]ew [E]ngland [D]atabase [S]ociety
sponsored by Sun Microsystems, presents

Data Management for Location-Based Services

Christian S. Jensen
Center for Data-Intensive Systems
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University

Friday, March 27, 2009, 4:00 PM
Volen 101, Brandeis University
(preceded by a wine-and-cheese reception at 3:00, and followed by
dinner at 6:00)


The Internet is going mobile, and indications are that on a global
scale, the mobile Internet will be “bigger” than the conventional
Internet. This talk describes the motivation, status, and goals of an
ongoing research project and evolving system, called Streamspin, that
supports data management aspects of mobile Internet services.
Streamspin aims to power sites that enable users to create and share
geo-social services, and that are capable of delivering services to
millions of concurrent users. The talk covers two fundamental
services. The first supports the tracking of the continuously changing
positions of populations of mobile-service users. The second extends
the context of a user to include not only the user’s current location,
but also the user’s (anticipated) destination and route towards that
destination. If time permits, the talk will also cover issues to do
with privacy.

Speaker Bio:

Christian S. Jensen is a Professor of Computer Science at Aalborg
University, Denmark. His research concerns data management and spans
issues of semantics, modeling, and performance. He is an IEEE Fellow
and a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, the EDBT
Endowment, and the VLDB Endowment’s Board of Trustees. He received Ib
Henriksen’s Research Award 2001 for his research in mainly temporal
data management and Telenor’s Nordic Research Award 2002 for his
research in mobile services.

He is an editor-in-chief of The VLDB Journal and has served on the
editorial boards of ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, and the IEEE Data Engineering
Bulletin. He was PC chair or co-chair for SSTD 2001, EDBT 2002, VLDB
2005, MobiDE 2006, MDM 2007, and TIME 2008.

He is currently on sabbatical at Google Inc., Mountain View. He works
in Google Research’s structured data group headed by Alon Halevy.

I am passing this along — I am not sure if most folks reading this can make it, as it is last-minute and in the Boston area, but I figured I’d let people know that the New England Database Society exists. It’s free, sponsored by Sun (and has been for years, long before Sun bought MySQL), and is hosted by my college database professor, Mitch Cherniack. (To that end, I should probably make sure to promote the Boston User Group here more often! I keep forgetting…)

You can find information on how to be a part of the mailing list at

The next New England Database Society will be held on Friday, March 27 and the speaker is Christian Jensen of Aalborg University.

[N]ew [E]ngland [D]atabase [S]ociety
sponsored by Sun Microsystems, presents

Data Management for Location-Based Services

Christian S. Jensen
Center for Data-Intensive Systems
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University

Friday, March 27, 2009, 4:00 PM
Volen 101, Brandeis University
(preceded by a wine-and-cheese reception at 3:00, and followed by
dinner at 6:00)


The Internet is going mobile, and indications are that on a global
scale, the mobile Internet will be “bigger” than the conventional
Internet. This talk describes the motivation, status, and goals of an
ongoing research project and evolving system, called Streamspin, that
supports data management aspects of mobile Internet services.
Streamspin aims to power sites that enable users to create and share
geo-social services, and that are capable of delivering services to
millions of concurrent users. The talk covers two fundamental
services. The first supports the tracking of the continuously changing
positions of populations of mobile-service users. The second extends
the context of a user to include not only the user’s current location,
but also the user’s (anticipated) destination and route towards that
destination. If time permits, the talk will also cover issues to do
with privacy.

Speaker Bio:

Christian S. Jensen is a Professor of Computer Science at Aalborg
University, Denmark. His research concerns data management and spans
issues of semantics, modeling, and performance. He is an IEEE Fellow
and a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, the EDBT
Endowment, and the VLDB Endowment’s Board of Trustees. He received Ib
Henriksen’s Research Award 2001 for his research in mainly temporal
data management and Telenor’s Nordic Research Award 2002 for his
research in mobile services.

He is an editor-in-chief of The VLDB Journal and has served on the
editorial boards of ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, and the IEEE Data Engineering
Bulletin. He was PC chair or co-chair for SSTD 2001, EDBT 2002, VLDB
2005, MobiDE 2006, MDM 2007, and TIME 2008.

He is currently on sabbatical at Google Inc., Mountain View. He works
in Google Research’s structured data group headed by Alon Halevy.