OK, so I am excited. Yesterday MySQL announced MySQL Enterprise (http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/news/article_1171.html). Now, I had not been so keen on MySQL Network — I had not realized the level of service MySQL will go to. Does Oracle or Microsoft offer schema review as part of a service package? I do not think so.
Basically, MySQL Enterprise is really a full suite of enterprise solutions for companies that need them. Many folks know how hard it can be to convince their boss that a DBA (or team of DBA’s) is needed. Many folks know how hard it is to be a DBA, and many folks know how hard it is to be a developer or sysadmin with DBA duties.
It’s easier to convince a company to spend money on a support contract than it is to spend money on headcount. And with MySQL, companies get so much for their money.
Oh, sure, there is what we already know — the enterprise binary, which is rigorously tested against enterprise-level demands. The “GA” or “Generally Available” (which will now be the “Community” edition) source code/binaries are tested for functionality, but not necessarily for things like throughput. (I have no idea if the Enterprise binary is tested for throughput, it’s just a good example of the kind of thing that people want in enterprise-level software).
There is also what anyone would expect from a support contract — access to updates, incident response (phone and web), emergency help, a knowledgebase, etc.
But looking at the features (http://mysql.com/products/enterprise/features.html), there’s a whole world of services that as far as I know, very few software companies are offering.
Let me say that again — MySQL offers features in their support contracts that very few other software companies offer. As far as I know, you cannot buy all of these from ANY of the enterprise-level database vendors.
MySQL offers consultative services, including schema reviews, performance tuning and SQL code reviews. Yes, that’s right, MySQL offers the service of reviewing your SQL queries, including procedures and server extensions.
The feature list can be seen here:
All in all, very exciting for those who use MySQL in an enterprise-level capacity (which I do at work).
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