Mozilla DB News Thu Jun 21st

It is a short week for me this week, because I have tomorrow off as I prepare for the 1st Latin American MySQL, NoSQL and Cloud conference in Buenos Aires next week. However, this week in database, we have done a lot, mostly within the Bugzilla property.

  • Backed up several database servers that were not previously backed up
  • Dealt with more puppet dashboard disk space issues
  • Repaired a few tables after changing ft_min_word_length on some bugzilla slaves
  • Upgraded bugzilla slaves to Percona 5.1
  • Rebuilt our secondary bugzilla permissions
  • Added alerts to our backups to make sure we have current backups
  • Upgraded one of the bugzilla slaves’ Fusion IO card to driver 3.1, as per Percona’s blog post about it. We went from timing cached reads from 9346.48 MB/sec to 10851.80 MB/sec – an increase of 1.47G/sec, or 16.11%.
  • Restored Bugzilla staging from a production restore to test an upcoming upgrade

It is a short week for me this week, because I have tomorrow off as I prepare for the 1st Latin American MySQL, NoSQL and Cloud conference in Buenos Aires next week. However, this week in database, we have done a lot, mostly within the Bugzilla property.

  • Backed up several database servers that were not previously backed up
  • Dealt with more puppet dashboard disk space issues
  • Repaired a few tables after changing ft_min_word_length on some bugzilla slaves
  • Upgraded bugzilla slaves to Percona 5.1
  • Rebuilt our secondary bugzilla permissions
  • Added alerts to our backups to make sure we have current backups
  • Upgraded one of the bugzilla slaves’ Fusion IO card to driver 3.1, as per Percona’s blog post about it. We went from timing cached reads from 9346.48 MB/sec to 10851.80 MB/sec – an increase of 1.47G/sec, or 16.11%.
  • Restored Bugzilla staging from a production restore to test an upcoming upgrade