Video: An elephant, an ant colony and a ferret walk into a database…

Ryan Betts and Ning Shi of VoltDB give a talk and demo of VoltDB at the Boston MySQL User Group on March 12, 2012. They presented a use-case based overview of what VoltDB is and the types of problems it helps to solve. They discussed some newer VoltDB features, including the WAN replication beta functionality and command logging (a durable write-ahead log).

Richard Laskey did an amazing job with the video and audio. I am absolutely awestruck that you can actually *see* the demo – usually small text is unreadable! My hats off to Richard, who does all this as a volunteer.


Ryan Betts and Ning Shi of VoltDB give a talk and demo of VoltDB at the Boston MySQL User Group on March 12, 2012. They presented a use-case based overview of what VoltDB is and the types of problems it helps to solve. They discussed some newer VoltDB features, including the WAN replication beta functionality and command logging (a durable write-ahead log).

Richard Laskey did an amazing job with the video and audio. I am absolutely awestruck that you can actually *see* the demo – usually small text is unreadable! My hats off to Richard, who does all this as a volunteer.

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