One of the services our database engineers provide is adding users to MySQL. We have some nice Chef recipes, so all I have to do is update a few files, including adding in the MySQL password hash.
Now, when I added myself, I just logged into MySQL and generated a password hash. But when my SRE (systems reliability engineer) colleague needed to generate a password, he did not have a MySQL system he could login to.
The good news is it’s easy to generate a MySQL password hash. The MySQL password hash is simply a SHA1 hash of a SHA1 hash, with * at the beginning. Which means you do not need a MySQL database to create a MySQL password hash – all you need is a programming language that has a SHA1 function (well, and a concatenate function).
And I found it, of course, on this post at StackExchange ( So you don’t have to click through, here is what it says – and I have tested all these methods and I get the same password hash. I have changed their example of “right” to “PASSWORD HERE” so it’s more readable and obvious where the password goes, in case you copy and paste from here.
Some one-liners:
**MySQL** (may require you add -u(user) -p):
mysql -NBe "select password('PASSWORD HERE')"
python -c 'from hashlib import sha1; print "*" + sha1(sha1("PASSWORD HERE").digest()).hexdigest().upper()'
perl -MDigest::SHA1=sha1_hex -MDigest::SHA1=sha1 -le ‘print “*”. uc sha1_hex(sha1(“PASSWORD HERE”))’
php -r 'echo "*" . strtoupper(sha1(sha1("PASSWORD HERE", TRUE))). "\n";'
Hopefully these help you – they enabled my colleagues to easily generate what’s needed without having to find (or create) a MySQL instance that they can already login to.